Turning Coal into Diamonds, using Peanut Butter! TKOR On How To Make Peanut Butter Coal Crystals

Ever wondered if you can turn coal into diamonds using peanut butter? What about a charcoal peanut butter crystal? And if so, how do you make peanut butter coal crystals? TKOR has done some random experiments in the past and in this video, we’re just seeing if turning coal into crystal with peanut butter is even possible. We test the concepts in a viral video of peanut butter and crystals. Will adding ice matter? Is this crystal experiment based on real science? We dive into the chemistry of making crystals with coal and peanut butter. We also have some other fun tests we performed. Hopefully this gives you an idea as to whether or not you can turn coal and peanut butter into a shiny gem. Today we’re taking a look at a viral video and seeing if it is actually possible to turn a peanut butter covered coal into a crystal!... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

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Another Top 10 Actor Body Transformations

Another Top 10 Actor Body Transformations
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Looking the part goes way beyond costume and makeup! From Bradley Cooper to Chris Pratt, WatchMojo is counting down the actors who either lost or gained serious amounts of weight and/or muscle for a movie role.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!