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2018 Honda Accord Vs Toyota Camry – Redline: Comparison Test

Two of the most well known car rivals in America are both all-new at the same time. For years, Honda’s Accord has always been the more stylish and sportier choice but with Toyota on a mission to inject some passion into their products, buyers looking to purchase a family sedan have a much tougher decision on their hands. The latest Camry now comes with over 300 HP from its available V6 and offers such features like a panoramic sunroof, red leather interior, and standard Toyota Safety Sense-P, Honda responds with an all turbo engine lineup, available 6-speed manual, and premium touches like cooled front seats with memory. Also just like the Toyota, standard Honda Sensing driver assistance, it looks like deciding between these two just got a lot harder but we’ll let you know which one is our pick at the end of the video.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!