الحلقة401: كيف ترسل إيميلات مجهولة المصدر

هذا الشرح لدواعي تعليمية ، لايتحمل رغيب امين او محترفي الحماية ابدا مسؤولية إستخدام الشرح في اعمال خارجة عن الإستخدام القانوني بتطبيق للشرح تكون انت المسؤول الوحيد امام الجهات والهيئات القانونية في بلدك... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

★ MW3 – Fallen Invisible Trick, ft. Zasher! — WAY➚

Zasher from XLGameplay showing you how to mix it up a little and have some fun with the other team. Works best on Fallen, in Team Deathmatch, with a full party of 6 players. It’s best to practice with your teammates in a private match before trying this. Also, always have a class set up for when Fallen cycles through the maps while you are playing with your clan mates. Insure you have Assassin Pro on, as well as a sniper rifle, and a handgun. This is an actual game played with a bunch of randoms on Xbox Live. Any questions, ask them below. Make sure you subscribe for more videos, and throw a thumbs up while you’re here! Thanks :)... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!