League of Legends Funny Moments & Fails (LCS Week 1)

TGN Partner ESFI World has compiled a LoL Funny Moments & Fails reel from the LCS – The League of Legends Championship Series. Pro level gameplay isn’t always what you’d expect it to be. Have fun with this Top 5 LCS Fails compilation. Let us know if you want to see more.

Last Top 10 Video ➜ http://goo.gl/2xpwt8

Top 5 Content ➜ http://goo.gl/v1tx9B

ESFI World ➜ https://www.youtube.com/esfiworld



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What is The LCS?

The League of Legends Championship Series is an eSports competition owned and run by Riot Games, the founders and developers of LoL – one of the world’s most famous MOBA games. It is one of the most prestigious professional gaming events in history including 20 teams from Europe and North America. Most of the event’s matches are played in Riot Games’ studio sin Los Angeles, California and Berlin, Germany. The entire event is streamed live.