“Honey Boo Boo” Responds to Christopher Walken!

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In the wake of last week’s viral smash where Christopher Walken, Colin Farrell and Sam Rockwell used their dramatic talents to reenact scenes from America’s #1 child-beauty-pagent-coupon-queen-sketti-eatin’ show, “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo”. We reached out to Honey Boo Boo and Mama directly for their response… and their read on some famous Christopher Walken scenes.

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Oh and don’t miss “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo!” on TLC!

Welcome to our new weekly series: The Screen Junkies Show! Where we’ll take on Film/TV culture like only obsessed junkies can.

We’ll be uploading new episodes of SJS every Wednesday!
As well as uploading new Honest Trailers every other Friday! (And ‘Supercuts’ in between weeks)
So make sure to: Subscribe!

Got a tip? Email us at: tips@screenjunkies.com

This is your show guys, so tell us what kind of stories you’d like us to cover!

Hosted by Hal Rudnick
Created & Directed by Andy Signore & Brett Weiner
Executive Producer Mitch Rotter
Written by Andy Signore, Brett Weiner, Dan Perrault and Hal Rudnick
Edited by Dan Murrell

Thanks to TLC, Mama June and Honey Boo Boo Child!

Watch last week’s ScreenJunkies Show:
Christopher Walken Reads “Honey Boo Boo”!

Watch last week’s SuperCut:
Dexter Morgan’s Laboratory

As always let us know in the comments what movie you wanna see next! And check out our previous Honest Trailers:

Honest Trailers: TWILIGHT 2: NEW MOON

Honest Trailers: TWILIGHT 3: ECLIPSE



Honest Trailers: PROMETHEUS

Honest Trailers: THE AVENGERS

Honest Trailers: THE HUNGER GAMES

Honest Trailers: THE DARK KNIGHT

Honest Trailers: AVATAR

Honest Trailers: TRANSFORMERS

Honest Trailers: TITANIC

Honest Trailers: TWILIGHT


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