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||فيديو جديد بكره الساعه 2 “كيف تعامل حبيبتك بذوق واناقه 💕| الحب فين”
http://y2u.be/jmM5sAaicPA –~–
ادري ان الفنيله في الثمبنيل غير الي في الفيديو... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

How generational stereotypes hold us back at work | Leah Georges

The Silent Generation, baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, Gen Z — we’re all in the workforce together. How are our assumptions about each other holding us back from working and communicating better? Social psychologist Leah Georges shows how we’re more similar than different and offers helpful tactics for navigating the multigenerational workplace.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

How To Make The Game of Thrones Pigeon Pie

We all have a colleague who refuses to watch Game of Thrones. For Billy Eff, this colleague is Nick Rose. Now that the final season has begun, Billy attempts to coax Nick into the GOT cult by playing to his biggest weakness: food. The guys head off to the distant and delightful land of Rawdon and try to recreate a meal from one of the shows most memorable scenes: The Purple Wedding. Together, they will prepare a deconstructed version of the famous pigeon pie, and in true Game of Thrones fashion: do so without running water or electricity.Subscribe to Munchies here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-MUNCHIES
All Munchies videos release a full week early on our site: https://video.vice.com/en_us/channel/munchies... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!