Escape from the Underdark – Critical Role RPG Show: Episode 13

With K’Varn killed, and the dread god Orcus’ machinations put to an end, the party struggles with what to do next. The horn of Orcus hovers in the air, held aloft by Tiberius’ sorcery, and Vox Machina debates whether to stay or flee the heart of Yug’voril. Before a decision can be reached, several Illithid glide into the chamber of the Elder Brain, and the situation quickly turns on its head even further. The immediate threat is eventually dealt with, but the real danger is still coming. Before they are entirely overwhelmed, the party flees the pyramid as a sea of Illithid surge up its sloping walls. Catching up with Tiberius, the rest of Vox Machina scramble as quickly as they can toward the portal the Dragonborn has opened on the far shore they once entered by…... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Hot Sauce Made With Ants—Would You Eat It? | Expedition Raw

Tourists visiting Kumarakapay, in Venezuela’s Gran Sabana region, can enjoy a special hot sauce, kumache, with their meals. Restaurant owner Kendall Donals describes the process of collecting and preparing the ants and termites that go into the sauce, a tradition of the local indigenous people, whose ancestors relied on the ants for sustenance.
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