20 Behind The Scenes Movie Costumes And Make up Facts

Amazing costumes and make-up facts from popular films you should know about. Subscribe to our channel : http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6

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Long Description
So, you like to think you know a lot about movies, do you? Are your friends often amazed by the amount of movie-based information you can store? You might be able to recite the Rocky movies word-for-word, perhaps you know which year every movie in the DC Cinematic Universe franchise is going to be released, and you might even know why anybody thought Movie 43 was a good idea, but what about all the work that goes on behind the scenes in the wardrobe and special effects departments?There are a lot of facts about that kind of thing that might just take you by surprise – and that’s what this video is all about. Here’s a special costumes and makeup edition of twenty rapid fire behind the scenes movie facts…

Script by:
Kevin Stewart

Voice Over by:
Jacob Geller

Mrs. Doubtfire | :
Batman Returns | :
Grease | :
Edward Scissorhands | :
The Wizard Of Oz | :
Mask | :
The Elephant Man | :
A Nightmare Of Elm Street | :
Hellboy | :
The Goonies | :
Suicide Squad | :
Citizen Kane | :
Benjamin Button | :
X-men | :
Saturday night Fever | :
Marvel Cinematic Universe | :
Phantom Of The Opera | :
A Dirty Shame | :
Monster | :
The Grinch | :
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